




L-Council 知识产权、反垄断专场——权威解答立法与实施中的焦点问题
L-Council Offline Event
China IP & Anti-monopoly Forum
---- Government Authorities Clarify China’s UpcomingLegislation and Practice







Patent, as a core competence for enterprise innovation, is more influentialthan ever before. However, there are many problems during the implementationprocess of the third patent law amendments, e.g. prior art defence, patentinventor awards, Comparison method and standard of prior technology, and so on.

Business Secret
Business secret infringement is always hard case in intellectual propertycases. Recently, more and more litigations regarding business secretinfringement have occurred due to job-hopping. However, most of the judges haveruled against favor of the plaintiff since it is very hard to define theinfringement of business secret.

Four years has passed since Anti-monopoly Law took effect in 2006. However,problems occur one by one during the implementation process due to no detailedrules, which is expected to be issued by the end of this year. How to clarifydifferent functions of SAIC (State Administration for Industry & Commerce),Ministry of Commerce and National Development and Reform Commission? How to avoidmonopoly risk while seeking for balanced point between brand and price?

Authoritative government officers and legislative experts are invited at thisL-Council event to help legal peers to clarify these issues.

Who should attend?

In-House Legal Counsel/Legal Director企业法务人员
IP Director/Manager知识产权总监/经理
Patent Director/Manager专利总监/经理

Invited Speaker:
尹新天   国家知识产权局   原条法司司长
Yin Xintian, Past Director-general of Legal Affairs Department of StateIntellectual Property Office (SIPO)

孔祥俊   最高人民法院   知识产权庭庭长
Kong Xiangjun, Chief Justice of the Intellectual Property Tribunal, SupremePeople's Court (SPC)

官员   国家工商总局   反垄断处
Senior Officer, Antimonopoly & Anti-Unfair Competition Bureau, StateAdministration for Industry & Commerce (SAIC)

官员   商务部   反垄断局
Senior Officer, Anti-Monopoly Bureau, Ministry of Commerce of PRC

黄勇   对外经济贸易大学 竞争法研究中心主任、反垄断法起草人之一
Huang Yong, Director, Competition Law, The University of International Businessand Economics (UIBE) & Member of the Legislative Working Group of China’s Anti-monopoly Law

刘晓军   北京市高级人民法院   知识产权庭   法官
Liu Xiaojun, Judge, the Intellectual Property Tribunal, Beijing Higher People’s Court

08:30 签到
08:30 Registration

08:45 会议开始 主持人致辞
08:45 Opening address from chairperson

09:00 我国在专利权转让过程中的发明人奖励趋势——结合案例分析
尹新天   国家知识产权局   原条法司司长
09:00 Case & Trend Analysis: PatentInventor Awards during the process of Patent Rights Assignment in China
“Science and technology are the primary forces”. Patent, as a core of technologies, is more influential than everbefore. However, it’s a big challenge for enterpriseshow to evaluate a patent and give appropriate award to patent inventor. Keypolicy maker is invited at this L-Council event to share insight and discusswith you about these issues.
       ——How to evaluatea patent and give appropriate award to patent inventor?
       ——The standard ofpatent value judgment
       ——Case Analysis sharingto predict the development trend of Chinese patent value evaluation system
Yin Xintian, Past Director-general of Legal Affairs Department of StateIntellectual Property Office (SIPO)

09:40 答疑环节
09:40 Q&A

10:00 茶歇时间
10:00 Tea break & networking

10:30 企业商业秘密侵权的界定和相关问题探讨
孔祥俊   最高人民法院   知识产权庭庭长
10:30 Defining Infringement of Business Secret and the related problems
Business secret infringement is always hard case in intellectual propertycases. Recently, more and more litigations regarding business secretinfringement have occurred due to job-hopping. However, most of the judges haveruled against favor of the plaintiff since it is very hard to define theinfringement of business secret. Chief justice of the intellectual propertytribunal from Supreme People’s Court will clarify therelated issues.
      ——Defining the businesssecret
      ——Determination ofinfringement
      ——Ascertainment ofcompensation liability
Kong Xiangjun, Chief Justice of the Intellectual Property Tribunal, SupremePeople's Court (SPC)

11:10 答疑环节
11:10 Q&A

11:30 《专利法》第三次修改之“现有技术抗辩”——对您的企业影响有多大?
刘晓军   北京市高级人民法院   知识产权庭   法官
11:30 Prior Art Defence in China Third Patent Law Amendments: ImpactAnalysis
Prior Art Defence, as one defence system of patent infringement, is more than adefence rule due to its deep influence on the whole Chinese patent system. Thethird patent law amendments raised Prior Art Defence from judicialinterpretation up to the law.
      ——How will the supplementaryaction 62 influence Chinese patent system?
      ——How could enterprisesprotect self-interest, avoid malicious and recurrent litigation?
      ——Comparison method andstandard of prior technology
      ——The process ofPrior Art Defence Enforcement
Liu Xiaojun, Judge, the Intellectual Property Tribunal, Beijing HigherPeople’s Court

12:10 答疑环节
12:10 Q&A

12:30 午宴
12:30 Luncheon

13:30 企业反垄断司法救济途径之政府部门职能的划分
13:30~14:10 官员   商务部   反垄断局
14:10 答疑环节
14:30~15:10 官员   国家工商总局   反垄断处
15:10 答疑环节

13:30 Clarifying functions andresponsibilities of Different Government Departments in Anti-monopoly LawEnforcement
Four years has passed since Anti-monopoly Law took effect in 2006. However,problems occur one by one during the implementation process due to no detailedrules, which is expected to be issued by the end of this year. Legislativeexpert is invited at this L-Council event to help legal peers to clarifydifferent functions of each government department during the enforcementprocess of Anti-monopoly Law.
——How to confirm the controversial points of anti-monopoly litigationcase?
      ——Measures of Ministryof Commerce for undertaking concentration examination: Problems and solutionsfor enterprises
      ——Clarifying functionsof SAIC (State Administration for Industry & Commerce of the PRC) duringthe enforcement process of monopoly agreements and abusing market dominance
     ——Classic Case Analysis
13:30-14:10   Senior Officer, Anti-Monopoly Bureau, Ministry of Commerceof PRC
14:10 Q&A
14:30~15:10   Senior Officer, Antimonopoly & Anti-Unfair CompetitionBureau, State Administration for Industry & Commerce (SAIC)
15:10 Q&A

15:30 茶歇时间
15:30 Tea break & networking

16:00 《反垄断法实施细则》之反价格垄断——企业如何寻求品牌与价格的平衡点?
黄勇   反垄断法起草人之一
16:00 Prohibition of Price Monopoly in Anti-monopoly Law ImplementingRules: How to keep the balance between brand and price?
Provisions Concerning Prohibition of Price Monopoly will take effect in thenear future. Public concerns are whether these provisions could be implementedwell to curb monopoly, and enforcement agencies could be clear enough.L-Council invites authoritatively legislative expert to answer your questions.
      ——Introduction of enforcementagencies and legal standard
      ——Strategies of avoidingmonopoly risk, and solutions while seeking for balanced point between brand andprice
Huang Yong, Member of the Legislative Working Group of China’s Anti-monopoly Law

16:40 答疑环节
16:40 Q&A

17:00 大会主席致闭幕词,会议结束
17:00 Closing remarks from chairperson and the end of event

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